
In the Community

Corporate Social Responsibility

Engaging with stakeholders and communities in which our clients operate is a fundamental priority to ensure good foundations for any natural resource operation. We will work with our clients and contractors to identify these groups and put together strategies to ensure good working relationships are established at assignment inception.

Community engagement

WPM Health Pty Ltd & Medical Travel Companions Pty Ltd understands the importance of the relationship between our clients and the communities in which they work. Since 2000 we have developed expertise in building strategies to help customers and clients create and maintain an honest and open dialogue with all stakeholders. Our team also use the best social research methodologies to build a community engagement strategy to fit to clients’ requirements.

Community development

By promoting dialogue and engaging local communities we help our clients ensure the integration of activities with local and regional efforts to achieve self-sustaining social and economic development.

Social Impact Assessment (SIA)

WPM Health Pty Ltd & Medical Travel Companions Pty Ltd team members are trained to undertake assessment of the social impacts associated with large natural resource operations and infrastructure development. Our consultants have excellent communication skills to liaise with stakeholders, clients and partners, a broad range of technical skills, an ability to write dynamic reports and an understanding of the required legislations to ensure the SIA delivered is fit for purpose, as per our client’s specification.

Community Involvement

WPM Health Pty Ltd & Medical Travel Companions Pty Ltd encourages involvement in local communities that are important to there employees, contractors and results in supporting hundreds of local community charities and initiatives. But there are benefits for us also. Our community involvement has lead to WPM Health Pty Ltd & Medical Travel Companions Pty Ltd being one of the most engaged workforces in our sector. This in turn improves the value we give to our clients and employees.


Sight For All

There are millions of people in developing nations condemned to lives of blindness that can be prevented or repaired. At WPM Health Pty Ltd & Medical Travel Companions Pty Ltd and WPM Health www.wpmhealth.com.au we are proud to have the means to be involved with Sight For All in helping these nations restore sight to their blind. Ben Wilson is personal friends with Dr James Meuke and is very proud to be assisting this fantastic charity.


Jodi Lee Foundation

Bowel cancer is the second most common cause of cancer-related death in Australia but is 90% curable if detected early. We are proud to support the Jodi Lee Foundation which exists to educate people about the importance of screening and that early detection does save lives.

Indigenous Employment Policy

WPM Health Pty Ltd & Medical Travel Companions Pty Ltd have made it a mandate to source and employ indigenous health professionals on a permanent and contracting basis – a business formed through partnerships across Australia.

WPM Health Pty Ltd & Medical Travel Companions Pty Ltd will provide contract employment opportunities to education and skills training, in these specialised diciplines as well as cross cultural development and the preservation of local  culture. WPM Health Pty Ltd & Medical Travel Companions Pty Ltd is about instilling confidence into local communities and creating opportunities for financial independence.

WPM Health Pty Ltd & Medical Travel Companions Pty Ltd has a long history of working, around with Indigenous communities and the formation of WPM Health has also enabled us to use this knowledge and experience to deliver long-term benefits to indiginous people through the provision of stable jobs, training, skills transfer, and comprehensive mentoring and support.